
grotesk is a css library and react component that makes web typography simple

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A CSS library and React Component that uses the power of Scss and emotion to make beautiful web type simple.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


  • Tiny (The minified CSS file for one theme comes in at only 1.8kb)
  • Vast customization (Everything is customizable make it look exactly the way you want)
  • Out-of-the-box support for fluid type
  • Browser Support (With fluid-type: 94.56% of all users, Without: 100% of all users)
  • CSS-in-JS using emotion and dynamic theming (if you use the React component)


For grotesk.css just head over to ./grotesk-css/downloads/ and get the fonts.scss & grotesk.light.scss files. If you would like the same font that the demo uses you can download it either from ./example/src/fonts/ or from it's official website. Then add the @font-face to your css, or if you're using emotion to your <Global> element.

/* CSS Example */
@font-face {
  font-family: space-grotesk;
  src: url(./fonts/SpaceGrotesk-Regular.woff2);
  font-weight: 400;

@font-face {
  font-family: space-grotesk;
  src: url(./fonts/SpaceGrotesk-Bold.woff2);
  font-weight: 800;

For the the react component just run npm i grotesk in your react app.

grotesk vs grotesk.css

Which one is for you? I would personally recommend the css library for almost all people. Even if you are using a React project, for most cases the css library is good enough. The only cases where I would recommend the React component is when your project already uses emotion or if you are planning to do a lot of dynamic theming (like more than two themes).

Simple usage (CSS)

Just download the above mentioned files and plug them into your project. For customization go here

Simple Usage (React)

import React from 'react'

import Grotesk from 'grotesk'

function Example() {
  return (
      <div className="parent">
        <h1>This is how you use grotesk</h1>
        <p>I hope this helps you understand!</p>

Customization CSS

grotesk-css uses the power of Scss variables to allow customization. I know CSS custom properties exist now, but I know some people would like to support legacy browsers like IE11 which is why I stuck with Scss and then compiling to good ol' CSS.

The Scss variables are pretty self explanatory in their names. Here's an example theme:

$bg: #131217;
$fg-body: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
$fg-headings: #e6e5e9;

$hr-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);

$a-color: #b17acc;

$pre-bg: #1b191f;
$pre-color: $fg-body;

$inline-code-bg: #1b191f;
$inline-code-color: #ef6b6b;

$quote-bg: $bg;
$quote-border: #b17acc;
$quote-color: #6a727c;

Customization React

The <Grotesk> component takes two props, a theme object and a boolean value called fluid. The former is an object that you can provide to theme grotesk the way you would like it, and the latter decides whether or not fluid typography is on (note that it is on by defualt).

The theme object has many properties to fully customize the look of grotesk and any excluded properties will default to the regular theme. Below is the default theme and also an example of a theme object:

const theme = {
  bg: '#ffffff',
  fgBody: '#2d3748',
  fgHeadings: '#000000',

  hrColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)',

  linkColor: '#8a4baf',

  preBg: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
  preColor: '#2d3748',

  inlineCodeBg: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
  inlineCodeColor: 'hsl(0, 79 %, 63 %)',

  quoteBg: '#ffffff',
  quoteBorder: '#8a4baf',
  quoteColor: '#6a727c',

  fontFamMain: 'space-grotesk, sans-serif',
  fontFamMono: 'Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New" monospace',
  lineHtMain: '1.5',
  lineHtMono: '1'

Dark Mode (CSS)

To see how I implemented a dark mode for the demo website check out ./grotesk-css/, the live version for it is at https://grotesk.now.sh

Dark Mode (React)

To see how you can implement dark mode in a simple react application check out the example in ./example/

Final Notes

I'm sure there's probably some bugs in there that I haven't yet encountered so if you do encounter them just open an issue and I'll look into it asap. Also if you think you can improve grotesk just open a PR with your contribution and I'll add it in.

P.S: I would love to add a "Websites that use grotesk" section to the README, so if you've made a website using grotesk or if you have any feature requests either open a PR or just DM me over at twitter ([at]nairkartik_). I would love to hear from you. Peace. ✌️


MIT © kartiknair