UI-Router-Redux (WIP)

Keep UI-Router and Redux state in sync. This library does the following things:

  • dispatch a Redux action each time a transition occurs.
  • keep transitioning information in state
  • (not implemented yet) trigger router transitions via redux actions

NB: There is nothing preventing you from using Redux in combination with the router right now, as you can simply connect() your "state components" and that's it.

Getting started

Add the router reducer in your store creation to access routing info:

import {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {routerReducer} from 'ui-router-redux';

import * as someReducers from './reducers';

const reducer = combineReducers({
  routing: routerReducer

const store = createStore(

Than you need to create the router plugin using the Redux state:


// •••

const reduxPlugin = createReduxPlugin(store);

const plugins = [

// •••

<UIRouter plugins={plugins} states={states}>
  <UIView />

Building the library

The package is not published to npm yet, so you need to compile it yourself and create a symlink or use npm link/yarn link. To build the library just install the dependencies and run the build script:

yarn install
yarn build