The ‘Metaverse’ as it exist now is comprised of a vast field of disconnected spaces and platforms. Web-based metaverse platforms offer the greatest accessibility and possibility for cross-platform travel, through links and portals. Platforms like Monaverse, Hyperfy, Spatial, Decentraland, OnCyber and Voxels give us a glimpse of the potential contained in these worlds.
These spaces and platforms remain disconnected, fragmented, difficult to navigate between. There exists few solutions to aid Metaverse explorers in the mapping and navigation of this un-defined space.
Compass is a meta-ui, chrome extension and mapping tool. It gives web-based metaverse explorers an easy and intuitive way to navigate, map, and save their travels through the metaverse - then share their curated experiences with others.
-Cross-metaverse meta-ui chrome-extension provides a navigation layer by saving the url of the current tab and allowing url recall through the 3d interface. -Save your favorite locations on an engaging, navigable 3d-map using ComposeDB -Drag, organize and customize your own map. Create landmarks and connections that help create concrete structures.
-Curate your maps, save them - and share with your connections. -View real-time presence of network on shared map interface.
This code was adapted a chrome-extension boiler-plate by Michael Xieyang Liu | Website
-Interactive react-three-fiber scene with url/name and coordinate saving. See code snippets.txt -Metamask login. -Saving and loading maps from ComposeDB. -Syncing live network presence with Lens Protocol and Websockets.
Concept by Jonny Ostrem Touchdesigner Prototype by Jonny Ostrem (Memory) Chrome extension prototype by bitTorin
The code contained within this repository is forked from a chrome-extension repository. No plagerism is intended. My primary focus was to explore the UI/UX of this tool using Touchdesigner (.toe file attached).