
Application that runs on the command line interface (CLI). This application primarily Inquirer and Node.js to create an interactive flashcard system that the user can use for various uses. User can decide between two types of question creation processes, "Basic" or "Cloze."

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flashcard Generator - Basic & Advanced Included!

Live Link || Use of Application

  • Because the functionality is through the CLI, you will need to download the files locally.

Description on how to use the app

  1. Download the repository locally to interact with it in real-time!
  2. Open your preferred CLI (Command Line Interface)
  3. Extract the downloaded repository into a preferred directory of your choosing.
  4. Navigate to the directory that you've placed the downloaded repository in with your CLI.
  5. Type node main.js in your CLI
  6. Choose the amount of flashcards you would like to create.
  • The flashcard limit has been set to 10 internally for quick succession of games.
  1. Choose the type of flashcards to be generated (Basic or Advanced[Cloze]).
  2. Play the game and get to studying and quizing yourself!


Add a simple description of what the HW requirements were

  • CLI of your choosing (Terminal, Git Bash, zsh, etc).
  • Some software to uncompress the repository you'll be downloading.
  • Keyboard to type into the CLI and interact with main.js

Technologies Used

Use bullets to list out the technologies used. For example,

  • Node.JS for inquirer NPM and JSON package management for CLI.
  • CLI - Git Bash and Terminal for playtesting main.js
  • JavaScript - For functionality for the game.