
check docker installation:

docker run hello-world

the above command downloads the image from the registry(docker hub), create a container and run hello-world container.

docker run --help

To list all the running containers

docker ps -all

only show the container id

docker ps -q

kill the container

docker stop cotainer_id

meta data about the container

docker inspect container_id

remove the container

docker rm container_id

delete all stopped container

docker container prune -f

Docker is a tool that allows you to get the equivalent of a disposable, single-time use computer

What is a server container ? its is a long lived. listen for the incoming n/w connections.

ex: docker run alphine ping

by running the above command we cannot get the control back, we need to detach it by using -d flag.

docker run -d alphine ping

listening for the network connections:

docker run -p host_port:dockercontainer_port

tunnel incomming connection -> 8080 to 80 ex: docker run -p -d 8080:80 nginx

Using Volumes:

how to persist the date on the local machine

docker run -v /your/dir:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:5.7 It will ensure that any data written to the /var/lib/mysql directory inside the container is actually written to the /your/dir directory on the host system. This ensures that the data is not lost when the container is restarted.