
Example repository for creating Mesos modules.

Primary LanguageC++

Building the Modules

Build Mesos with some unbundled dependencies

Preparing Mesos source code

First we need to prepare Mesos source code. You can either download the Mesos standard release in the form of a tarball and extract it, or clone the git repository.

Let us assume you did extract/clone the repo into ~/mesos. Let us also assume that you build mesos in a subfolder called build (~/mesos/build).

Building and Install Mesos

Next, we need to configure and build Mesos. Due to the fact that modules will need to have access to a couple of libprocess dependencies, mesos itself should get built with unbundled dependencies to reduce chances of problems introduced by varying versions (libmesos vs. module library).

We recommend using the following configure options:

./configure --with-glog=/usr/local --with-protobuf=/usr/local --with-boost=/usr/local
make install

Build Mesos-Modules

Once that is done, extract/clone the mesos-modules package. For the sake of this example, that could be in ~/mesos-modules. Note that you should not put mesos-modules into the mesos folder.

You may now run start building the modules.

The configuration phase needs to know some details about your mesos installation location, hence the following are used: --with-mesos=/path/to/mesos/installation


mkdir build && cd build
../configure --with-mesos=/path/to/mesos/installation

At this point, the Module libraries are ready in /build/.libs.