This project is about practising Jest / Enzyme testing with React. I've also made a nodeJS Express testing examples with Jest.
- Login (check the last orders , change password) // not implemented
- Register // not implemented
- Order without registration // not implemented
- See all of the selected pizzas in the basket
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the Front-end app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To run the back-end server navigate to /server folder. You need to install the deppendencies:
npm install
After that just start the server:
node server
This command will run all Front-end tests.
Jest is giving you the ability to write following type of tests:
- Snapshoot testing (creates snapshoot file and compare it )
- DOM Testing ( we need to use Enzyme )
You will be also able to create own transformers.
Jest can be used for Express / nodeJs Apps for testing.
To run the routes tests, the server should be started and the folloing command should be executed:
npx jest server.test
Builds the app for production to the build
If you want to serve the production bundle from the server you need to make a static serving on the server and to navigate the root /
path to /index.html
file located in the build folder;