
My Work Experience With Company


Theta 2023

Theta is a flexible UI tool. It allows you to convert responsive UI to Flutter widgets by running one command. Fast. Super simple.

Technologies I use;

  • Dart-Flutter
  • Typescript
  • Firebase
  • Amplitude
  • Supabase
  • AI

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Bivobi 2022

An activity application that allows university students to socialize. It's the Flutter Project.

I am using MVVM software architecture for Frontend, I am using Model-Routes-Controllers structure for Backend.

*Average 30-60 pages

Technologies I use;

  • Dart-Flutter (state-management MOBX)
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • mongoose




We are developing our project as a cross-platform with Flutter so that it can run on both Ios and Android devices. I developed my project as a cross-platform with Flutter so that it can run on both Ios and Android devices. I created the back-end infrastructure with NodeJS. I keep data with MongoDB. Its target audience is university students and academics. By creating an extraordinary ecosystem with universities, academics and students among our stakeholders, I plan to create a more efficient and effective order by increasing the interaction between the campus and the Institutions.

I am using MVVM software architecture for frontend.

I am using Model-Routes-Controllers structure for backend.

Technologies I use;

  • Dart-Flutter (state-management MOBX)
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • mongoose



  • Welcome Screen

  • Login, Register Screen

  • Forget Password Screen

  • Dashboard,Category and Profile Screen

  • Comment,Likes and Dislikes Screen

  • Notification,Create Post, Profile Detail Screen

Bank-UI 2021

Flutter UI design.

For detailed technical code review; https://github.com/kasapiniz/bank-ui

  • Flutter & Dart


Natours 2021

Natours offers you the opportunity to stay and travel in different geographical regions by giving you very different experiences.

An optimized and stable infrastructure has been provided by using modern technologies.

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose and others.

For detailed technical code review; https://github.com/kasapiniz/natours


Fiorfi 2020

It is a social media application that allows you to share photos with the people you follow.

  • Java
  • Android Studio
  • firebase

For detailed technical code review; https://github.com/kasapiniz/fiorfiapp
