
ETH Belgrade Hackathon 2023

Primary LanguageSolidity

Block Juice

Experience the future of purchasing fresh homemade juices with cryptocurrency through Block Juice. Whether you prefer our convenient vending machines or our user-friendly app, our platform seamlessly combines physical and virtual sales. Powered by Ethereum and Metamask, we offer a secure and decentralized system for transactions. Scan a QR code to transfer crypto to the vendor's wallet. Engage in optional features like giving tips, playing slot machine games for extra rewards, and participating in lotteries. Our SPV platform fosters crypto use and market development. Stay tuned for app delivery options and the integration of NFTs. Imagine our vending machines in high-traffic areas, expanding their reach and impact. Embrace the Web3 revolution with Block Juice!

Features (implemented for now):

  • Buying multiple products in single transaction
  • Using Chainlink Price Feeds to convert product price to price in crypto
  • Role-based access control mechanisms with OpenZeppelin's AccessControl. This allows only merchants to register new products and to transfer ownership if project is sold
  • Fee system (with 2 decimals) for splitting funds between merchant and owner of smart contract
  • Lottery based on tipping when buying single product for chance to get double rewards for the price of one


Block Juice requires Node.js v18+ to run

Install the dependencies with:

yarn install

To deploy to Sepolia testnet, run the following script:

yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

Address (and abi) of deployed contract will be saved in file frontend.json.

To run tests on local Ethereum network (built-in with Hardhat), first comment line no. 101 and uncomment line no. 102 (to use hardcoded value for ETH price on local network instead of Chainlink Price Feed), and then run following script:

yarn hardhat test