
Repository for information about and results from the WFS 3.0 Hackathon, 6/7 March 2018

WFS 3.0 Hackathon

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is organizing a Hackathon to capture developer insight into the draft standard for Web Feature Service (WFS) version 3. This draft standard is evolving in a quite unique fashion with respect to typical standard development and features OpenAPI / Swagger definition of the key service elements. This new approach to the development of WFS 3.0 is based on ideas generated from the OGC/W3C Spatial Data Working Group on the Web Best Practices, the OGC Geospatial API White Paper, and the FGDC Application Programming Interface (API) assessment. Each of these reports recommended an emphasis on APIs in future OGC standards development including use of tools such as OpenAPI.

The WFS 3.0 Core is found here: https://github.com/opengeospatial/WFS_FES.

An OGC Hackathon is a collaborative and inclusive event driven by innovative and rapid programming with minimum process and organization constraints to support the development of new applications and open standards.

The Hackathon scope will focus on the core API and insuring it can access a wide variety of geospatial data. The scope of the event is proposed to include one or more servers using the OpenAPI / Swagger definition to allow client development and testing to understand if the definition method is useful and if it could be improved. Similarly, one or more servers may also provide WFS Core implementations for testing. Participants are welcome to bring partial or complete implementations of servers or clients for the current WFS Core.

The Hackathon takes place on 6 and 7 March 2018 in Fort Collins, CO USA at the USGS Powell Center. There will be opportunity for joint discussion with all participants on the goals and objectives of the event as well as final briefing of findings and opinions of the participants. However, the majority of the time will be spent in collaboration between participants in active coding.
