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This api currently powers a personal project of mine called Eternal Balance. It makes it super easy to track spending of your currency on Eternal Realms. It allows you to expose your balance to an API endpoint (api.kashall.dev/balance/:uuid) and to a WebSocket (see blow) for you to use whenever you want - for instance, I use this to keep track of my balance combined by all of my accounts.

You can use this API without deploying anything yourself - but if you want to self host it, you have the option to, though it'll take a some configuration.

Start tracking your balance in < 5 minutes

  1. (optional) Download the Fabric Mod from comming soon
  2. Create a quick account on bal.kashall.dev.
  3. Login to Eternal Realms and message the player it gave you on sign-up. (/msg <player> verify <code>)
  4. Configure and fetch your API Key from the panel.
  5. (optional) Configure the mod with your api key.

Table of Contents

API Docs

Getting a user's balance

GET https://api.kashall.dev/eternal/balance/:uuid

Example response:

Posting a user's balance (Authenticated)

POST https://api.kashall.dev/eternal/balance

Example data:

    "balance": "Integer",
    "date": "ISO Date String",
    "address": "server host:port",
    "reason": "QUERY|GENERIC|BUY|SELL",
    "uuid": "Mojang Player UUID v4"

Example response:

    "acknowledged": true

Socket Docs

The websocket is available at wss://api.kashall.dev/socket.

Once connected, you will recieve Opcode 1: Hello, which will contain a heartbeat_interval in the data field. You will need to set up a repeating interval for the time specified which would send Opcode 3: Heartbeat on the interval.

You should send Opcode 2: Initialize immediately after recieving Opcode 1: Hello.

Example of Opcode 2: Initialize:

    "op": 2,
    "d": {
        "subscribe_to_uuids": ["3491fc09-13ba-4624-b3cc-da8e87f0230f"]

Subscribing to user balances

To subscribe to specific user balances, send subscribe_to_uuids in the data object with a string[] list of player uuids. Then, the socket will respond with a INIT_STATE's data object that contains a uuid=>balance map.

Unsubcribing to user balances

To unsubscribe to specific user balances, send unsubscribe_to_uuids in the data object with a string[] list of player uuids. The socket will stop sending you updates related to these players.

Once Opcode 2: Initialize is sent, you should immediately recieve an INIT_STATE event payload if connected successfully. If not, you will be disconnected with an error (see below).

List of Opcodes

Opcode Name Description Client Send/Recv
0 Event This is the default opcode when receiving core events, like INIT_STATE Receive
1 Hello Sent when clients initially connect, and it includes the heartbeat interval Receive Only
2 Initialize This is what the client sends when receiving Opcode 1 - it should contain an array of uuids to subscribe to Send only
3 Heartbeat Clients should send Opcode 3 every 30 seconds (or whatever the Hello Opcode says to heartbeat at) Send only


Events are received on Opcode 0: Event - the event type will be part of the root message object under the t key.

Example Event Message Objects


  op: 0,
  t: "INIT_STATE",
  d: {
    "3491fc09-13ba-4624-b3cc-da8e87f0230f": {
      // Full latest balance (see above for example)


  op: 0,
  d: {
    "3491fc09-13ba-4624-b3cc-da8e87f0230f": {
        "date": "",
        "address": "play.eternal.gs",
        "balance": 0,
        "reason": "QUERY",

Error Codes

Clients can disconnect for multiple reasons, usually to do with messages being badly formatted. Please refer to your WebSocket client to see how you should handle errors - they do not get received as regular messages.

Types of Errors

Name Code Data
Invalid/Unknown Opcode 4004 unknown_opcode
Opcode Requires Data 4005 requires_data_object
Invalid Payload 4006 invalid_payload