
Introducing Awaiki AI - Your Ultimate YouTube Video Transformer! 🚀 Turn any YouTube video into captivating ebooks and thrilling audiobooks with ease. From tutorials to storytelling, Awaiki AI handles it all, supporting all video formats. Customize your reading and listening experience effortlessly. Just follow simple steps, and let Awaiki AI work

Primary LanguagePython

Awaiki AI - YouTube Video to Ebook and Audiobook Converter


Awaiki AI is the ultimate YouTube Video to Ebook and Audiobook Converter, designed to blow your mind! It takes a simple YouTube video link as input and works its magic, transforming the content into kickass ebooks and badass audiobooks. No matter what kind of video it is – tutorials, lectures, blogs, or pure entertainment – Awaiki AI has got you covered!

##Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uK548bL858


  • Mind-blowing conversion of YouTube videos into kickass ebooks and badass audiobooks.
  • No boundaries! It handles any type of content like a pro, from teaching you stuff to taking you on an epic storytelling journey!
  • Utilizes cutting-edge video analysis techniques to ensure it rocks at what it does!
  • Supports all video formats and resolutions like a boss!
  • And guess what? You're the boss! You name it, you customize it! Flexibility is its middle name!

How to Use

  1. Clone this godly repository to your freaking machine.
  2. Worship the required dependencies (add details on dependencies here).
  3. Unleash the awaiki_ai.py script, and witness the magic unfold.
  4. Offer your chosen YouTube video link as a sacrificial input.
  5. Awaiki AI will analyze it like a genius and conjure an ebook and audiobook just for you!

Sample Code

import awaiki_ai

# Replace 'VIDEO_LINK' with the holiest YouTube video link of your choice
video_link = 'VIDEO_LINK'


#Customization This is where you get to play God! Modify the awaiki_ai.py script to your heart's desire. Customize fonts, chapters, or the style of audiobook narration – it's all yours to command!

#Requirements Python (version 3.X.X) OpenAi API KEY (Add any other requirements are in repo..)

#Disclaimer Listen, my friend, the converted content is for personal use only. Don't get yourself into trouble by disrespecting copyright laws or selling this stuff without permission. You've been warned!

#License MIT

#Contributions Hey, don't be shy! Join the party! Contribute like a hero – open issues, slay bugs, add awesome features – just make sure you're part of this legend!