
An autocomplete and autocorrect program written in Java 8.

Primary LanguageJava


AutoText is a small autocomplete and autocorrect program written in Java 8. I wanted to create this project to use and understand new data structures.

A Trie is an efficient data structure for prefix searching, therefore, it is widely used in autocomplete programs.

A BK-tree data structure is a metric tree designed for efficient string matching, making it a logical structure for autocorrect. In my implementation, I used Damerau–Levenshtein distance to calculate edit distance between strings.

Additionally, I created a simple GUI using Java Swing to go along with the program. I used a list from @first20hours (20k.txt) to create the lexicons for the tree structures (I have not uploaded that file into this repo).


Please look at the javadoc comments for a more detailed usage description.

Here is an example of basic usage.

import main.java.kashiish.autotext.AutoText;

import java.util.ArrayList;
public static void main(String[] args) { 

	//Create a new AutoText instance with a file of words to build a Trie, BKTree, 
	//and lexicon for word validation
	AutoText autotext = new AutoText(lexiconFileName);
	 * Or you can use different dictionaries for each set up.
	 * AutoText autotext = new AutoText(lexiconFileName, trieFileName, bktreeFileName);
	ArrayList<String> corrections = autotext.autocorrect("lovly");
	//set max autocomplete suggestions
	ArrayList<String> suggestions = autotext.autocomplete("ques")
["quest", "question", "questions"]

Issues and Contribution

Please feel free to report or fix any bugs you may find in the program. It's greatly appreciated!

Current issues:

  • the NPath complexity of the method that calculates the distance between strings is very high.
