Time tracking


  • Timebox to ~4 hours development time.
  • Commit and push milestones to your Github repo. Treat every commit as if it was going into production.
  • Share a link with us when you're finished.


We have started a task submission platform which allows a user to submit and view answers for tasks they are assigned to. They are sharing the submitted answers with their managers internally. Users have to work directly inside the textarea on the platform.

The solution works well and managers are happy to be able to see their users submissions. After some time, managers are starting to doubt how long users take to complete the tasks. Instead of relying on the users to report them how long it took they want to see the numbers on the platform, when users sit down with their managers.


Implement an MVP that, after submitting a task, shows how long a user has been actively working on in. Users will go through their submission with the manager, who wants to see the submission and the time it took to complete. Users work on tasks in multiple sessions: When the user takes a pause working on a task and comes back later, a new session starts.

Add another screen that shows time statistics:

  • How long has the user been working in total?
  • On average, how long did it take the user to submit a task?
  • How long is the user's average session?

How to get started

This project contains a React app and a Ruby on Rails api. You need to run the React app (localhost:3000) separately from the Ruby on Rails api (localhost:5000). Follow these steps to set up the project and get started:

React app

  • Navigate into the folder /app
  • Use the specified node version (14.17.3). E.g. if you have nvm installed run nvm use
  • Install dependencies by running yarn install
  • Start the dev server by running yarn start

Rails api

  • Navigate into the folder /api
  • Install ruby globally
  • Install the dependencies by running bundle
  • Setup the database by running rails db:setup
  • Start the server by running rails s

Additional info

  • Feel free to make own assumptions if any questions come up during the development.
  • You can change the code and project structure to suit your preference.
  • Users are using the latest version of Chrome/Firefox.
  • Users never open two tabs at the same time.
  • Users often switch between devices when starting a new session.
  • Do not use additional 3rd party libraries.