
Implementation of dmultinom ?

tiboloic opened this issue · 2 comments

For revising a paper I am porting some TMB code to RTMB.
It is a random effect model with a mutltinomial response, but I cannot get it to work. Since I didn't find a implementation of dmultinom in distributions.R, I have also tried my own implementation of dmultinom without success.

Here is a snippet of code:

# RTMB multinomial test

n = 10
p = 20

# simulate data
obs <- t(rmultinom(n, 100, prob=p:1))

par <- list(
  mu = 2,
  sig = 1,
  bs = rep(2, n)

nLL <- function(params) {
  # own implementation of log probability mass function for multinomial
  dm <- function(x,p) {
    lgamma(sum(x) + 1) - sum(lgamma(x+1)) + sum(x*log(p))

  nLL <- 0.0

  # random effects
  nLL <- nLL - sum(dnorm(bs, mu, sig, TRUE))
  for (i in 1:nrow(obs)) {
    beta <- bs[i]
    preds <- 1/(1:p)^beta
    preds <- preds/sum(preds)
    #nLL <- nLL - dmultinom(obs[i,], prob = preds, log = TRUE)
    nLL <- nLL - dm(obs[i,], preds)

obj <- MakeADFun(nLL, par, random = c("bs"))

fit <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)

dmultinom is available in RTMB (see ?Distributions).
The problem is in your nLL where getAll(par) should actually be getAll(params) :)

Edit: I think getAll could be improved to avoid this kind of mistake, by requiring that the argument exists in the calling frame.

Apologies for the trivial error. Thank you so much for looking into it.