
This repository contains user contributed R packages. Install with devtools:::install_github(...).

TMBhelper -- Dumping ground for useful contributed R functions


  • AICTMB -- calculate AIC based on model output
  • Check_Identifiable -- automatically check for non-identiable fixed effects

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TMBdebug -- Debugging tool for Windows users

  • Designed to prevent crash in R terminal for windows users when the program overruns a vector or matrix
  • Install using

TMBphase -- Wrapper for fitting models in TMB with phases (a la ADMB)

  • Designed to fit TMB models with phases, to allow sequential estimation of model parameters
  • Install using

TMBtools -- Tools for developing R packages interfacing with TMB

Provides helper functions for creating packages which contain TMB source code such that:

  • Size of compiled code for multiple TMB models is minimized

  • The package can contain non TMB-related C++ source code, e.g., using Rcpp

  • TMB compile chain has been cross-platform tested to pass R CMD --as-cran check

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Please see quickstart instructions on project homepage.