
CydiOS: a model-based testing framework for iOS apps

Primary LanguageJava


CydiOS: a model-based testing framework for iOS apps


Apps used in the experiment

The 50 apps used in the RQ3 can be found at 50appList.txt (https://github.com/SoftWare2022Testing/CydiOS/blob/main/50appList.txt)

iPhone extension

TO run the iPhone extension, we first need a jailbroken iPhone. The software version for iPhone should between 9.0 to 14.4. After jailbreaking, install the Cydia(an unofficial appstore for jailbroken iOS devices), and install some tweaks in the cydia:

  1. OpenSSH
  2. SUbstrate Safe mode
  3. Theos Dependencies

To install our iPhone extension, run the following commands in a termnial window (the computer should connect to the same local netwrok with the iphone ):

cd cydios
make package 
make install

note that

  1. you should specify the bundle ID of the test app in travseiosapp.plist
  2. you should change the ip address of the iPhone in Makefile, like THEOS_DEVICE_IP =

once the iPhone extension is installed, you can found it at the cydia, and then you can open the target app for UI testing


Static analysis

The static analysis moudle can be found at the static analysis folder. To run it, you need use CrackerXI+ or other tools to decrypt the IPA and then exetract the executable file (i.e., app binary). After that, use scp ipAddressofYouriPhone@location_of_the_binary ./ to transfer the executable file to your PC.

Then, run the following commands in a termnial window and you can see the analysis result:

cd static analysis
./cydios_simulate -m scan -i objc-msg-xref -f location_or_the_test_app_binary -d 'antiWrapper=1'

we also include a python script in the static analysis folder, which performs static data flow analysis on the app binary. You should open it with IDA_pro_64, and import it as an IDA plugin, then you can get the output.

Layout analysis

The code for layout analysis (to extract view controller transitions in the layout files) can be found under the LayoutRead folder,

just run the main.java file.

Demo video

A demo video can be found at https://github.com/SoftWare2022Testing/CydiOS/blob/main/demoVideo/demo.mp4