
jsTree for Yii2 is a Extension to display an ActiveRecord Model with jsTree.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Extension für jsTree Plugin

jsTree for Yii2 is a Extension to display an handle ActiveRecord Models with jsTree.

  • load tree data with ajax and display tree
  • define icons for different tree items (e.g. with FontAwesome)
  • context menu with update, rename and delete
  • move tree items by drag'n'drop
  • context submenu with individual node types
  • dynamic context menu where items for special types can be removed
  • individual text and context menu messages


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist kasoft/yii2-jstree "1.0.14"

or add

"kasoft/yii2-jstree": "1.0.14",

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Latest News

Version 1.0.16

  • Removed unnecessary Bootstrap Dependency

Version 1.0.14

  • Define a id wich node via initialOpenId wich will open after load

Version 1.0.13

  • Individuall "New node" Text can be set in standardMsg

Version 1.0.12

  • Fixed missing Icon for Duplicate

Version 1.0.11

  • New: Duplicate Items in Kontext Menu with Model Duplication
  • Yii2 Error Messages while create or duplicate are transportet to Javascript Alert
  • Remove Contextmenu Items for special Types (e.g. No "delete" for type "page")

Version 1.0.10

  • Fixed array_merge error

Version 1.0.9

  • More Text that could be translated
  • Fixed rename error

Version 1.0.8

  • Set individual Context Menu Text and individual Alert Messages
  • Choose which Context Menu should be displayed (create, edit, delete, rename)
  • Set individual Icon for each Enty
  • Setup a create Submenu with different new node Types and define these Node Type as described in JsTree Docs with different possibilities (allow childs, allow move, set icon)

Version 1.0.7

  • Added modelPropertyType with default value + online/offline glyphicons as default

Version 1.0.6

  • Fixed a Problem with Yii 2.0.14, because of a diffrent Error Handling, the Tree wasn't displayes
  • REQUEST check in Controller isn't needed any more

Version 1.0.5

  • Selecting a Node will trigger update action via Ajax and load result in .jstree-result div. If the .jstree-result is not found, it will redirect to Update Action
  • Changed all Submenu Icons to Glyhicon

Version 1.0.4

  • Updated Composer Settings

Version 1.0.3

  • Selected multiple Nodes are all deleted

Usage without Model (JSON only)

The simple Version just displays the tree with a provided json url. You have to provide the json data by an url

$tree = new \kasoft\jstree\JsTree([
    'jsonUrl' => '/my_jsonurl/data/whatever',
<div id="jstree"></div>

Usage with Yii2 Model

If you want to use the Extension so Display the Tree from your Data, do Operations like move, create, delete, rename and open the form view by Click use this Version.

Before you start, check your Database or your Model! Do you have all required Fields?

Together with a Database (tested with MySQL) and a set of Fields to order and structure the tree are needed. The Tree is displayed in a DIV. The Extensions handels create, move, rename and delete for you. A click on a Tree Item will dipslay the form to edith data in another div.

See the Test Setup in the "demo" Folder!

Set up you Database with the needed fileds (can have different names) *name Name or Titel to Display in in the tree (required) *parent_id Id for nesting the tree (required) *position For sorting the tree items (required) *type Type of the Item, used for Icon and rights (optional)

Set up your Model with these Fields. Important: Only the name is allwoed to be a required Field! Otherwise the Contextmenue "New" will probably not work.

Add this to your Controller. All Items with (*) are required!

public function actionIndex() {
        $tree = new \kasoft\jstree\JsTree([
            'modelName'=>'backend\models\MY_MODEL_NAME',    // * Namespace of the Model
            'modelPropertyId' => 'id'                       // * primary Key
            'modelPropertyParentId' => 'parentId',          // * Parent ID for tree items
            'modelPropertyPosition' => 'position',          // *for sorting items
            'modelPropertyName' => 'name',                  // * Fieldname to show
            'modelFirstParentId' => NULL,                   // * ID for the Tree to start
            'modelPropertyType' => 'type',                  // Item type (for Icon and jsTree rights)
            'controllerId' => 'index',                      // Controler Actions which should handle everything
            'jstreeDiv' => '#jstree',                       // DIV where the Tree will be displayed
            'jstreeIcons' => false,                         // Show Icons or not
            'jstreePlugins' => ["contextmenu", "dnd",..],   // Plugins to be load
            'jstreeContextMenue' => [                       // Define individual menu
                "remove" => [
                    "text" => "Delete",
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-plane",
                "edit" => [
                    "text" => "Edit",
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-picture",
                "create" => [
                    "text" => "Create new",
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-barcode",
                    "type"=> "online",
                    "submenu" => [                          //Define submenu for creating node types
                        ["text"=>"Create new with Type offline","icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-barcode","type"=>"offline"],
                        ["text"=>"Create new with Type online","icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-plane", "type"=>"online"],
                        ["text"=>"Create new with Type default","glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up","type"=>""],
                "rename" => [
                    "text" => "Rename",
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up",
            'jstreeType' => [                               // jsTree Type Options
                "#" => [
                    "max_children" => -1,
                    "max_depth" => -1,
                    "valid_children" => -1, 
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"
                "default" => [
                    "icon" => "glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"
            'jstreeMsg' => [                                // Individual Alert Messages
                    "confirmdelete" => "Are you sure? Delete?",
                    "nothere" => "Not possible at this Position!",
        return $this->render('index');

Put this in the index view file. A Click on an Item will delegate the update action to the result field. Also the form should have a class named "jstree-form" to delegate the result of the form submit to the div.

<div id="jstree"></div>
<div class="result"></div>