
Primary LanguageJava

Text Classification Experiments

  1. Clone the project
  2. Run "mvn install"
  3. Enter the module folder by "cd classifiers"
  4. Execute the particular java class using the following commands:

4a. To run Cross Fold using LSTM (class LSTM), see the example below:

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx16g mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.insightcentre.classifiers.dl4j.text.classification.traintest.LSTM" -Dexec.args="-d src/main/resources/data/data.csv -wv src/main/resources/embeddings/Composes/EN-wform.w.5.cbow.neg10.400.subsmpl.txt -nf 10 -ne 10 -in 400 -hi 80 -trb 5 -lr 0.002 -ditClass org.insightcentre.classifiers.dl4j.text.classification.data.iterator.WV_DataIterator -composes"

4b. To run Train Test using CNN (class CNN), see the example below:

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx16g mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.insightcentre.classifiers.dl4j.text.classification.traintest.CNN" -Dexec.args="-trd src/main/resources/data/training.csv -ted src/main/resources/test.csv -wv src/main/resources/embeddings/Composes/EN-wform.w.5.cbow.neg10.400.subsmpl.txt -ne 7 -in 400 -hi 100 -trb 10 -lr 0.004 -ditClass org.insightcentre.classifiers.dl4j.text.classification.data.iterator.WV_CNN_DataIterator -evalEveryN 2 -modelToSavePath src/main/resources/models/sampleCNN.model -composes -noOfFilters 50 -typeOfFilter 2"

Word Embeddings

For Testing:

	[Glove](http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/), specifically, Wikipedia 2014 + Gigaword 5 (6B tokens, 400K vocab, uncased, 50d, 100d, 200d, & 300d vectors, 822 MB download): glove.6B.zip. [Download here](http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip).

For Evaluation (current plan):

	[Composes](http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/composes/semantic-vectors.html), specifically, Best predict vectors on this page (5-word context window, 10 negative samples, subsampling, 400 dimensions.) [Download here](http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/composes/materials/EN-wform.w.5.cbow.neg10.400.subsmpl.txt.gz).

Arguments for Train Test LSTM:

Option Description

--composes Composes word embeddings
--ditClass Data Iterator class name with path to be used --evalEveryN Evaluation every n epochs
--hi Hidden layer size
--in Input layer size
--lr Learning rate
--modelToSavePath To save learnt model name
--ne Number of epochs
--ted The CSV Data File containing the test data
--trb Train batch size
--trd The CSV Data File containing the training data --wv Word embeddings

Arguments for Train Test CNN:

Option Description

--composes If using composes, use this as parameter like -
composes, otherwise don't use it.
--ditClass Data Iterator class name with path to be used
--evalEveryN Evaluation every n epochs
--hi Hidden layer size
--in Input layer size
--lr Learning rate
--modelToSavePath To save learnt model name
--ne Number of epochs
--noOfFilters No of filters at first conv layer
--ted The CSV Data File containing the test data
--trb Train batch size
--trd The CSV Data File containing the training data
--truncateLength Max tokens allowed i.e. truncate after this many
tokens in the text
--typeOfFilter Type of filter (bigram, tri gram, etc.), e.g. 2 for bigram, and 3 for trigram
--wv Word embeddings

Arguments for Train Test CNN-LSTM:

Option Description

--composes If using composes, use this as parameter like -
composes, otherwise don't use it.
--ditClass Data Iterator class name with path to be used
--evalEveryN Evaluation every n epochs
--hi Hidden layer size
--in Input layer size
--lr Learning rate
--modelToSavePath To save learnt model name
--ne Number of epochs
--noOfFilters No of filters at first conv layer
--ted The CSV Data File containing the test data
--trb Train batch size
--trd The CSV Data File containing the training data
--truncateLength Max tokens allowed i.e. truncate after this many
tokens in the text
--typeOfFilter Type of filter (bigram, tri gram, etc.), e.g. 2 for bigram, and 3 for trigram
--wv Word embeddings