SensorVisualizer is an app that visualizes, records and re-plays data from different sensors, that it receives trough OSC.
Download latest binary for your OS from Releases and run.
- SensorVisualizer was made using Processing - download and install.
- Install contributor libraries (Sketch > Import Library... > Manage Libraries...)
- oscP5
- Download and install JKalman library
By default it listens to port 57121 and the following OSC addresses:
- "/deviceId/acc" (x y z)
- "/deviceId/gyro" (x y z)
- "/deviceId/mag" (x y z)
- "/deviceId/altitude" (value)
- "/deviceId/comp" (heading in radians)
- "/deviceId/ecg" (value)
- "/deviceId/hr" (heartrate)
- "/deviceId/euler" (roll pitch yaw)
- "/deviceId/quat" (w x y z)
The "deviceId" prefix must change depending on the sending device.
- Mahony
- Madgwick
- Kalman
- Lowpass
- Kalman
The project includes a smartphone app Sensor2OSC (iOS and Android) that can be used to send IMU sensor data to SensorVisualizer, and it works with Polar H10 sensor for sending live ECG an HR data.
Also included are 2 Arduino examples (for M5StickC and MPU9250 sensors) for sending IMU data to SensorVisualizer.
SensorVisualizer is also fully compatible with GyrOSC (iOS app) can visualize it's data.
Once data is being received SensorVisualizer can be used to record and later play back sensor data.
Press key 'i' to display info about all keyboard commands.
Example screenshot of SensorVisualizer visualizing data from Polar H10 sensor: