Cordova based hybrid app with 4 buttons, that:
- calls native code (shows native alert)
- calls native code, that evaluates javascript on WKWebView or CordovaWebView
- calls C++ method
- calls static C++ method
All the native handlers are packed in a Cordova plugin: https://github.com/kasparsj/homework-plugin
To run (tested on MacOS):
git clone https://github.com/kasparsj/homework
cd homework
npm i
node_modules/.bin/cordova run android
node_modules/.bin/cordova run ios
if it does not work then try removing and re-adding the platforms:
node_modules/.bin/cordova platform remove android
node_modules/.bin/cordova platform add android
node_modules/.bin/cordova run android
node_modules/.bin/cordova platform remove ios
node_modules/.bin/cordova platform add ios
node_modules/.bin/cordova run ios
if it still does not work, try removing and re-adding the plugin:
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/kasparsj/homework-plugin
cd homework
node_modules/.bin/cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-homework
node_modules/.bin/cordova plugin add ../homework-plugin
node_modules/.bin/cordova run android
node_modules/.bin/cordova run ios