🍦 Vanilla To-do

Just what the world needed - yet another "To-do app".

This "app" is made in Vanilla JavaScript, meaning no frontend framework/library was used.

Vanilla To-do supports:

  • ✅ Moving task position
  • ✅ Saving tasks in local storage
  • ✅ Deleting all completed tasks
  • ✅ Dark mode
  • ✅ Sick animations (Shout out, AutoAnimate)
  • ✅ Selecting emojis in multiple skin colors (Shout out, emoji-picker-element )
  • ✅ Inspirational quotes to get the juices flowing (Shout out, Quotable.io API)

Live demo

🔗 URL: https://vanilla-to-do-app.netlify.app/


App Screenshot App Screenshot dark mode Screenshot of emoji picker


It has two dependencies:

The "app" also uses the Quotable.io API to fetch a random, inspirational quote. If it fails to fetch, it will set a default quote.

Dev dependencies


Clone this project and install dependencies using npm, yarn, or pnpm.

To view the project locally run the serve script.

# npm
  npm install
  npm run serve

  yarn install
  yarn run serve

  pnpm install
  pnpm run serve


Made by Kasper Andreassen
