Medusa Admin Plugin


Building the plugin

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies
  3. Run yarn build to build the plugin

Running the plugin

Note: Since using yarn link can be a bit finicky with shared medusa dependencies, the easiest way to test this locally is to install the plugin using its absolute path.

  1. In package.json of your Medusa server add the following to the dependencies section:
"medusa-plugin-admin": "path/to/medusa-plugin-admin"
  1. Run yarn to install the plugin
  2. Add the plugin to your medusa-config.js file:
plugins: [
  // ... other plugins
    resolve: "medusa-plugin-admin",
    options: {
      serve: true,
      base: "/app/", // Can be anything you want except for the reserved paths '/admin', '/store', '/'. Can be omitted, and will then default to '/app/'.
  1. Run yarn start to start the server, you should now be greated with our React app on /app, or the path you specified in the base config.

Re-building the React application

Note: This is only needed if you change the plugin options, such as the base path, or you want to build the application with the intent of hosting it separately from the backend.

  1. In your package.json add the following to the scripts section:
"build:admin": "medusa-admin-cli build"
  1. Run yarn build:admin to build the React application

If you want to host the React application separately from the backend, you can run medusa-admin-cli build -o <path> to build the application to your desired path. This requires that you have provided a backend_url in the plugin options, as this will be injected into the build and used as a source of truth for setting up medusa-react in the application. If you do not provide a backend url, the build will fail gracefully and inform the user what is required. If -o is used all plugin options except for backend_url will be ignored, though you should still set serve: false in the options to prevent the server from serving the application.