- 7
Not Working
#383 opened by Teacher321 - 0
Restart Button
#381 opened by devilsbaguette - 0
Tools are available that shouldn't be unlocked yet
#380 opened by JoonasD6 - 0
- 0
#378 opened by alexmojaki - 11
Level 5 has undefined Variable
#372 opened by Xharleon - 5
- 1
Dead URL in description
#371 opened by filipre - 1
Future development?
#360 opened by quadboston - 1
Restarting the level while something is selected in intersection tool doesn't clear the level
#377 opened by vvs- - 3
Level 12 solution not recognized
#344 opened by mirceapricop - 1
- 2
Level 2 midpoint tool bug
#362 opened by Majoburo - 1
All levels claim minimum number of moves
#369 opened by sillyak - 1
- 0
- 0
Level 6 doesn't load
#366 opened by cogitura - 0
Level 23 not always solvable
#365 opened by ddurschlag - 0
Inappropriate comments
#364 opened by emahony53 - 1
local installation of EuclidTheGame
#363 opened by rinaldi6109 - 0
[feature] Nepal flag, please!
#361 opened by reverofevil - 3
Error message on level 5
#345 opened by acriter - 1
- 1
#356 opened by Kitten-Cahn - 1
Level 13 Solved, but not recognized
#347 opened by EuclidGameBug - 4
missing image at level 22
#325 opened by smondet - 0
Euclid Crash When solving
#353 opened by Marhiass69 - 0
#350 opened by DinizBortolotto - 0
#351 opened by DinizBortolotto - 0
#349 opened by DinizBortolotto - 2
Level 3 Solvable in 2 Moves, Game Does Not Recognize
#346 opened by echoAwoo - 1
Error message on level 25
#348 opened by ncurrault - 0
Level 13
#343 opened by TimJSwan89 - 0
Level 12
#342 opened by TimJSwan89 - 0
Cookies modify
#341 opened by upserkan - 0
Level 8 solution not recognized
#340 opened - 2
im p sure this is a valid solution to level 16
#339 opened by colons - 1
Level 4: Equilateral triangles don't work
#338 opened by ripper234 - 4
Doesn't find the center of the circle, intersection of two rays the split the circle
#337 opened by ripper234 - 0
Restart button placement change
#336 opened by MVartanov - 0
Level 8 Ray
#332 opened by 0007502 - 9
Gray Pop-up labels and drop downs get in the way
#331 opened by sambolic - 3
- 1
Level 8 is completeable with two translations
#329 opened by bennlich - 5
#328 opened by hferee - 0
An ultimate level
#327 opened by bsivko - 1
- 0
- 1
Level 15 solution not accepted
#323 opened by NickSklias - 1
Selection information pop-up
#322 opened