Welcome to React Optimist. A simple API for optimistic UI, using React and taking advantage of the new Context API. Used and maintained by Swipes
A user clicks on a button, you want to save the new state to a server, but you don't want to show a loader in the meantime. react-optimist let's you easily queue requests in the background while showing the new value. Also known as optimistic ui.
Installation (more options)
$ npm install --save react-optimist
react-optimist consist of two high level API's:
- OptimistProvider is a react class that needs to be added once, similar to Provider (redux), BrowserRouter (react-router) and so on.
- withOptimist is a higher-order-component (HOC) that you wrap any class that either needs to access to the optimistic data, or will be creating it (or both :). It injects a prop "optimist" into the wrapped component.
withOptimist(Component) >> this.props.optimist
The optimist object injected into your components has a simple api: Main API:
- optimist.set(options) - queue optimistic requests
- optimist.get(key, [fallback]) - get optimistic values Advanced:
- optimist.setDefaultOptions(options) - identify future calls and set default options
- optimist.identify(id) - identify future calls and set default options
- options
- An option object
Option | Type | Default value | Description |
key | string | (required) | A key for the queue (ex: goal-reorder, task-119-complete) |
value | any | (required) | The value trying to be sent to the server and that should be used (optimistic) |
handler | function | (required) | The async handler, (next) => {}, you must call next when done |
serial | bool | false | Run all requests added to this queue, not just the last. |
clearOnError | boolean | true | When you return an error to next, wipe future requests |
debounce (coming soon) | number | 0 (ms) | Postpone the server request with x ms from now |
throttle (coming soon) | number | 0 (ms) | Run server requests every x ms |
Retreive the current optimistic value or an optional fallback value.
- key
- entry for the store - fallback
any value
- value to be used if nothing is in store
Returns: store value or fallback
This will set default options for future calls to set/get.
- options
- An option object defining defaults, see optimist.set above for supported props.
This will prepend id for calls to set/get. Not required to run this first
- id
- An id to prepend future calls to optimist.set (useful for id of a task/project/etc)
Used and maintained by Swipes
- swiss-react - A CSS-in-js solution with sass-like features and an epic syntax.