ActiveJob::Performs adds the `performs` macro to set up jobs by convention.
- activefxBethlehem, PA
- bbLeipzig, Germany
- berniechiu@Rivo-Commerce
- chrise86Dentally
- conarroAd Reform
- cpjmcquillanLondon
- darccio@datadog
- DarhazerLondon, United Kingdom
- denjamio@guudjobapp
- devcamkeMode Inc
- foca
- franzliedke@messhelden
- jcduncan-ev
- jgraichenPotsdam/Berlin, Germany
- joeldrapperJoel Drapper
- KevinBerthierMarseille
- kkumlerLouisville, KY
- KonnorRogersProvidence, RI
- krapans
- marcorothBasel, Switzerland
- natematykiewiczWisconsin, USA
- nejdetkadir@shftco
- pedromschmittBrazilia, Brazil
- pfeifferDenmark
- phil-6Ryalto
- rickychilcott@mission-met
- rtrivedi-cubesmartBangalore, India
- ryanfb@dcthree @podqueue
- scriptod911
- sergii
- tricknotes@88labs (ANDPAD)
- ur5usUnfolding Web
- ydah@88labs (ANDPAD)
- yorsantFounder @ Rexie Labs LLC
- ZL91
- znuamaan