
Group Chat using python - socket: all the clients that are connected to the server can transfer messages and data to one another via the central server

Primary LanguagePython

Group Chat Room README

This is a group chat room that allows multiple users to connect and chat with each other in real-time. The chat room has an admin who has the authority to perform certain actions like kicking users out of the chat room or banning them.

Getting Started

To get started with the chat room, you need to follow these steps:

  • Enter the IP address and port number of the server to connect to it.

  • Enter a username to identify yourself in the chat room. If you are the admin, then use "admin" as the username.

  • Enter the password "adminpass" to access admin features.

  • Once connected, the server will provide you with an IP address and port number that you can share with other users to connect to the same chat room.


There are several commands available that you can use to perform certain actions. Here is a list of all available commands:

  • /help admin - Provides information on available commands.

  • /kick name - Kicks a user out of the chat room. Replace "name" with the username of the user you want to kick out.

  • /ban name - Bans a user from the chat room. Replace "name" with the username of the user you want to ban. TO unban user type /unban banned_user_name

  • /info user - Provides information on a specific user. Replace "user" with the username of the user you want to get information on.

  • /info users - Provides information on all users currently in the chat room.

  • /info server - Provides information on the server and chat room.

  • /show user - Shows the messages of a specific user. Replace "user" with the username of the user you want to see messages from.

  • /show users - Shows the messages of all users currently in the chat room.


To use a command, type it in the chat room followed by any necessary parameters. For example, to kick a user out of the chat room, type "/kick username" in the chat room.

If you are the admin, you can use all the commands.

Note: This chat room is intended for respectful communication only. Any inappropriate behavior or language may result in being kicked out or banned from the chat room.