👋 Hi, I’m Qassam Dakhlalah 🌹

🌎 I'm from Palestine and currently living in Dubai, UAE.
🌱 I’m a computer engineering student 💻 at Ajman University 🎓.
👀 I’m interested in Networking 📡, Cybersecurity 🐱‍💻, and Hacking 👾.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate with "Cisco," "Amazon," and "Google."
📫 How to reach me? 
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/qassam-dakhlalah-2b44bb207

Experienced in monitoring security systems, responding to incidents, and troubleshooting issues to ensure data privacy and mitigate threats. Proficient in programming with hands-on experience in cybersecurity-related projects, focusing on programming, penetration testing, and network security.

Feel free to connect and explore the exciting world of technology together! 🚀