
kassette-postgres-agent intended to run on customer environment and collect neccesary Data and push it back to kassette-server Camunda is the first integration supported by the agent. Agent accesses camunda database directly and polls history tables. Data sent to the kassette-server via REST API

run kassette agent locally in docker


  1. checkout and run camunda-diy project. https://github.com/metaops-solutions/camunda-diy
  2. checkout and run kassette-server project. https://github.com/kassette-ai/kassette-server
  3. run docker-compose up


We will use git tags to track the versions

git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "First tagged release of the kassette-postgres-agent"
git push --tags


This software is at the state of Proof of Concept and not ready to be used in live environments
