
gvim and vim config

Primary LanguageVimL

gvim and vim configs/plugins


this config suite gets you the best experience with minimum plugins

normal mode screenshot

insert mode screenshot


  1. to get the best experience of this config suite, install vim 7.4+

  2. download this vim config suite from github and

     git clone http://github.com/gavinchou/vim_config.git
     cd vim_config
     sh install.sh

directory structure

├── .vim --- .vim dir for vim customization
│   ├── after
│   │   └── ftplugin --- file type plugin
│   │       ├── c.vim
│   │       └── cpp.vim
│   ├── autoload --- plugin
│   │   ├── netrw.vim --- enhanced explorer, replace the vim-built-in netrw
│   │   ├── omni --- omi complete plugin
│   │   └── tagbar.vim --- taglist-alike outline view
│   ├── colors --- themes/colors
│   │   ├── Monokai.vim
│   │   ├── Monokai_Gavin.vim --- currently used customized theme
│   │   └── Monokai_Gavin_Low_Contrast.vim
│   ├── doc --- plugin docs
│   │   ├── omnicppcomplete.txt
│   │   └── taglist.txt
│   ├── filetype.vim --- file type definition plugin
│   ├── ftdetect --- file type detection plugin
│   │   └── go.vim
│   ├── indent --- customized indent plugin
│   │   └── go.vim
│   ├── plugin --- plugins written by me or collected
│   │   ├── align.vim --- customized plugin for table alignment, like markdown table
│   │   ├── findchar.vim --- find char with key `f` `F` in smartcase mode
│   │   ├── statusline.vim --- customized statusline, pretty statusline
│   │   ├── surround.vim --- surround something with key `F4`
│   │   ├── tagbar.vim --- collected plugin `tagbar`
│   │   ├── taglist.vim --- taglist, deprecated
│   │   ├── template.vim --- customized file/code templates
│   │   └── xterm-color-table.vim --- collected plugin for adjusting colors
│   ├── spell
│   │   ├── en.utf-8.add
│   │   ├── en.utf-8.add.spl
│   │   └── spellsuggest.txt
│   └── syntax --- customized syntax coloring for different types of file
│       ├── alipaylog.vim
│       ├── cpp.vim
│       ├── go.vim
│       ├── html.vim
│       ├── markdown.vim
│       ├── tagbar.vim
│       └── test.vim
├── .ycm_extra_conf.py --- YCM config file, not used
├── _vimrc --- main config/customization of vim, with functions/plugins/keymaps
├── _vrapperrc --- vim config for eclipse plugin `vrapper`
├── eclipse_color_monokai_gavin.xml --- theme on eclipse
├── install.sh --- installation script for Linux/MacOSx
├── php_function_list.txt --- php function list for compeletion while editing php file
└── plugin_collect --- not used, as a memo


This configs general options of vim and some plugins


  • auto resize netrw window when move cursor between windows


time date

  • type time in normal mode to insert current time

      2015-10-17-Sat 14:46:02
  • type timelog in normal mode to insert a time based log template, cursor will be set right behind 'tag: '

      ## 2015-10-17-Sat 14:45:37

auto change IME

change IME to Eng when user changes insert mode to normal mode automatically

This is useful for the users work with different IMEs, especially for users who use Assian language.

MacOSx and Windows are supported.

enable auto-change-IME
  • windows

    1. install the external util change_ime_to_eng for windows, which i offers in my repository, see this link for more details, contact me
    2. make shortcut link of it named changeVimIme2Eng.lnk, and put to %windir%, say "C:\windows" as usual
    3. enjoy it
  • mac os x

    1. xkbswitch for mac os x, refer to https://github.com/myshov/xkbswitch-macosx
    2. add the path of xkbswitch to system evn PATH
    3. enjoy it

only txt and md files invokes auto change ime feature, to enable this feature for more filetypes just change the flowing line in _vimrc

	autocmd! InsertLeave *.txt,*.md call ChangeIme(g:autoChangeIme)

surround chars with certain marks

surround word under cursor or content selected with certain marks with, F4 in normal mode or visual mode

say, if a word abc is under cursor, in normal mode, press F4, a prompt will ask for mark for surrounding, and, for example, inpput (, then abc will be changed to (abc)

or, in visual mode, some chars are selected, say abc def, press F4, and input the marks for surrounding, say ***, abc def will be changed to ***abc def***


file path: autoload/netrw.vim, some modifications/bug-fixes have been done to it netrw is a builtin plugin of vim, which is a file explorer. Using it by using command :Ve, or type :h netrw for more info

some personal modifications and some bug fixes

  • display file/dir full path under cursor
  • fixed s:NetrwTreeDir()'s bugs of moving cursor around after calling it
  • create file in current cursor folder with key c, if file is under current file, create file with the same parent fold of it
  • auto change director when move cursor between different folder
  • enhance preview with <CR>, always open file in preview window with <CR>
  • auto change netrw cursor position to indicate current file (location) with switch g:netrw_indicate_current_file, default value is 1
  • fix bug of messing up register @* and @+, which affect the system clipboard
  • map 'yp' to copy full path in netrw list of the file under cursor


  • fixed bugs when use tagbar with netrw, make tagbar process content window
  • markdown support
  • hilight whole tag line (maybe a switch can be added whether this function is enabled)


file path: plugin/statusline.vim

  • make statusline change color locally when mode changes
  • tabline will change as statusline changes color (mode stimulated)


  • enhance f, F, ; and , keys to case-insensitive when option ignorecase is on


  • auto folder contents with the same headings levels

markdown heading folder

  • align markdown table with ranged based command :Table

    that is

    1. select markdown tables
    2. input :Table, with which :'<,'>Table will appear


      	-----  |-----  |-----
      	aaa    |b\|bb  |cc
      	dd     |eeeee  |ffffff
      note: this plugin has capability with '\|', skips escaped '|'

code/text format

  • as previous, align with given character is supported with ranged command Align


    orignal text:

      int a = 10;
      int aa = 100;
      int aaa = 1000;
      int aaaa = 10000;
      int aaaaa = 100000;

    select it and use command :'<,'>Align =

      int a     = 10;
      int aa    = 100;
      int aaa   = 1000;
      int aaaa  = 10000;
      int aaaaa = 100000;

    select it and use command :'<,'>Align ;

      int a = 10        ;
      int aa = 100      ;
      int aaa = 1000    ;
      int aaaa = 10000  ;
      int aaaaa = 100000;

    note: this function is very insteresting, use your imagination!!!

    take a look at .vim/plugin/align.vim


file headers

  • insert file header with command :FileHeader