
A 2d Ray caster program written in C and SDL. It shoots light rays in every direction, and detects obstacles within the environment.

Primary LanguageC

Author(s): Billy Bertrand

Project Description:

A simple 2D ray caster. Light rays are emitted from a single light source, in every direction. I was inspired by the Coding train's thumbnail on the matter. So I decided to build my own version. I also wanted to understand what a game loop is, and undergo the research process to build one.

Why this project?:

I was inspired by a video from the Coding Train's YouTube chanel. So, I decided to build my own version. I also wanted to understand what a game loop is, and undergo the research process to implement one :)

Technologies, Tools, or Frameworks used:

CMake and SDL


This is to what the ray caster looks like:

2D Ray Caster GIF


  • I got an undefinied reference for calling SDL_Init() function. The error occured because the linker did not know where to find the actual definition (or implemention) of the function, and "link" it.

  • The SDL window, once generated, immedialtely closed. The fix to that was to implement a game loop that would maintain the windown open until some event occured to close it.

  • For my first run, I set the frame rate at 30 FPS. The light source's position was lagging bhid the mouse cursor's position. The reason what that the update() function had to wait for "too long" before updating the position of the light source on the screen. So, by increasing the frame rate, I decreased the time update had to wait before doing its job. This resulted in much more responsive result.

Potential Improvements:

  • Lines are aliased. An anti-aliased drawing algorithm would lead to a "smoother" result.

  • The overall code organization of the project can be improved. Separating code in source and header files would be an interesting move.

Useful Resources: