
A user-friendly LINUX debugger for learning purposes

Primary LanguageC++

What is kdb?

"Kdb" stands for Kassi-DeBugger. It aims to be a beginner-friendly memory debugger written in C++, for Linux Systems.

Why Am I doing this? 💡

  1. I want the debugger to be my "friend;" understand how it works, and integrate it in my workflow. I believe the best way to understand how a debugger work is to go through the process of building one.

  2. I no longer want to look at my code and think really hard about how variables are changing over time. It gets difficult for me when the codebase grows and things becomes too hard to have a bird view of, while making sure everything has the right values.

  3. Print debugging does not scale well. The process of adding log statements, recompiling, and re-running the program everytime I want to make an experiment is inefficient.

  4. Provide a better debugging experience. I'd like to build a tool that will educate beginners, but will inform more advanced users. This project is just me learning, and if you're skilled, you probably don't need this.

Dependencies, Tools, or Frameworks 🛠️

Goals 🎯

I would like kdb to have the following features:

  • Launch, halt, and continue program execution
  • Set breakpoints on memory addresses, source code lines, and function entry
  • Stepping through the program
  • Read and write registers and memory
  • Print the current source location
  • Print backtrace
  • Print values of simple variables
  • A TUI

How to run the project?

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone --recusive https://github.com/kassi-bertrand/kdb
  1. Get into the project folder
cd test
  1. Create a test folder and cd into it:
mkdir test && cd test
  1. Build and compile the project from the test folder
cmake .. && make
  1. Run the program executable:
./kdb your_executable

Special thanks 🤝

  • Sy Brand for sharing their knowledge on debugger construction.