
silly ping monitoring with rrdtool graphs

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Tonto, silly IP monitoring

The basic idea of tonto is: you write the list of IP numbers you want to monitor, and tonto does the rest.

What does tonto do?

Tonto gets a list of hosts (HOSTS variable) and pings each of them, if a host does not respond it will send and alert (to EMAIL variable), it will also notify when the host is responsive again. It will also keep a log file with this information and response times (RTT) from ping.

Additionally, if RRDTOOL is available, it will save all this information (RTT and packet loss) in an RRD database file, and create a pretty graph every 5 minutes.

How do I install tonto?

  1. Make sure you install all dependencies:

    apt-get update
    apt-get install iputils-ping rrdtool git mailutils
  2. Clone GIT repository

    cd /opt
    git clone https://github.com/kastakhov/tonto.git
  3. Create user for tonto service:

    addgroup --system tonto
    adduser --system --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --home /opt/tonto --group tonto --no-create-home tonto
    chown -R tonto:tonto /opt/tonto
  4. Create config file from sample:

    cp /opt/tonto/tonto.config.sh.sample /opt/tonto/tonto.config.sh
  5. Copy crontab file or systemd units to run service every one minute

    5.1 crontab

    cp /opt/tonto/tonto.cron.sample /etc/cron.d/tonto

    5.2 systemd:

    cp /opt/tonto/systemd/* /usr/lib/systemd/system/
    systemctl enable --now tonto.timer

How do I configure tonto?

Use tonto.config.sh to configure all options, you basically need to set the dict HOSTS with the lists of hosts and its names you want to monitor, and the EMAIL address you want to get the alerts.


Other options available include ping deadline, ping packet count, etc.