
Small Utilities for HCP Psychopy Tasks

Primary LanguagePython

HCP Common Psychopy Utils

  1. Make sure you have the shared utilities available as a directory in your task, either by using git (preferred if available for updates) or by downloading the tarfile and expanding it:
    $ git submodule add https://github.com/kastman/hcpcommon.git
  1. Import the module in a code component "Begin Experiment" at the begginning of a psychopy task.
    # In "Begin Experiment":
    import hcpcommon
  1. Use the utilities where desired:
    # Check screen counts to nicely complain if only one display
    # screen is available:

    # Import order counterbalancing file:
    order = 'A'  # Row Name, e.g. "H"
    month = 'Month 1'  # Column Name to choose, e.g. 'Rep 3'
    order_filename = 'conditions/12order_counterbalance.csv'
    stimlistnum = hcpcommon.choose_stimlist(
      order, month, order_filename)
    stims = glob('stimuli/List {}/*.png'.format(stimlistnum))

Counterbalance Loading

For the paradigm of differing stim lists counterbalanced across returning months: assume you have a csv or excel formatted so that the months are listed across the top in columns and the orders are listed as rows:

Month 1 Month 2 Month ... 12
A 2 3 1
G 1 2 3

Add code in a starting routine to a "Begin Experiment" block:

We assume you assign a participant's Order by appending "_{Letter}" to the session ID, and the current month through a variable in the experiment info.

The list to choose is returned by specifying the order, month, and counterbalance sheet (it's nothing special, just indexing a pandas dataframe).