Quiz Game Android Kotlin

👷 Developed by Matheus Ramalho de Oliveira
🔨 Brazilian Software Engineer
🏡 Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil
✉️ kastorcode@gmail.com
👍 instagram.com/kastorcode

A Q&A game. Developed in the Android App Development & Android Hacking, Android Security course.


🧰 Tools used

Android Backup Extractor
Android Studio
APK Studio
Bytecode Viewer
Uber Apk Signer
Visual Studio Code

🗓️ Roadmap

  • Course Overview
  • Introduction to Android
  • Android Architecture
  • Introduction to Android Development
  • Environment Setup
  • Development Environment
  • Basics of Java Syntax
  • Operators
  • Control Flow Statements
  • Methods Functions
  • Java Object Oriented Concept
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Wrapper Classes, Auto-Boxing and Unboxing
  • Strings
  • Exception Handling
  • Let's Start Android Application Development
  • Android Components
  • User Interactions
  • Lists & Views
  • Components and LifeCycles
  • Shared Preferences and Data Saving
  • Device Compatibility
  • Android Project 1
  • Publishing Your App on Google Play
  • Android Project 2
  • Android's Security Model
  • Setting Up the Laboratory for Android Security Testing
  • Android Static Security Analysis
  • Android Pentesting
