
Full-stack app that consumes unlimited CSV, converts to NDJSON and sends it to the client to render as HTML, all on demand with webstreams.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webstreams Fullstack: Node.js and Browser

👷 Developed by Matheus Ramalho de Oliveira
🔨 Brazilian Software Engineer
🏡 Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil
✉️ kastorcode@gmail.com
👍 instagram.com/kastorcode

This script consumes unlimited gigabytes of files without crashing and with functionality to cancel requests. We will convert CSV to NDJSON and render the data in an HTML page, processing everything on demand using webstreams.


Installation and execution


  1. Make a clone of this repository;
  2. Open the server folder in a terminal;
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies;
  4. Run yarn dev to start the server;
  5. Create a folder called dataset;
  6. Download a data pack: https://kaggle.com/datasets/danielalbarracinm/list-of-anime-from-1990-to-2022?resource=download;
  7. Extract the data into the dataset folder.


  1. Open the app folder in a terminal;
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies;
  3. Run yarn start to serve the app.
