
Primary LanguagePython

What is it

We want to gather the locations for popular points of interest from OpenStreetMap data, and categorize the POIs into "private" or "not private."

The idea is to have a location blocker service on mobile phones that can decide given the category of current location, can decide whethe to share that location with apps installed on the phone. For example, a person may not want to reveal his religion to a random third-party app that wants to know his location. To facilitate such a service, we track whether the location is categorized as a "place of worship" according to OpenSteeetMap, and block location sharing at such locations.

What is inside this repository

Right now, we are extracting POIs for the Los Angeles Metropolitan area, and extracting the popular categories of POIs and their locations (in latitude, longitude) format.

Here are some of the POI categories, and reasonable default "privacy" ratings assigned to each:

  place_of_worship, 10, perturb or prevent
  school, 3, share
  fast_food, -3, share
  restaurant, -4, share
  fuel, 0, neutral
  parking, 0, neutral
  hospital, 10, perturb or prevent
  library, 3, neutral
  post_office, 0, neutral
  cafe, -10, share
  toilets, 15, perturb
  bank, 5, perturb
  post_box, 0, neutral
  emergency_phone, 20, perturb
  pharmacy, 10, perturb
  telephone, 6, neutral
  bench, 0, neutral
  theatre, -5, share
  townhall, 0, neutral
  grave_yard, 10, perturb
  swimming_pool, -3, share
  atm, 0, perturb
  bicycle_parking, 0, neutral
  police, 10, perturb
  bar, -10, share
  waste_basket, 0, neutral
  pub, -10, share
  public_building, 0, neutral
  cinema, -10, share
  car_wash, 1, neutral
  vending_machine, 0, neutral
  waste_disposal, 0, neutral
  recycling, 0, neutral
  arts_centre, -5, share
  snack_cart, 1, neutral
  bbq, 0, neutral
  doctors, 10, perturb or prevent
  dentist, 10, perturb or prevent
  car_rental, 3, neutral
  gym, -2, share
  bus_station, 3, neutral
  courthouse, 10, perturb
  ferry_terminal, 3, neutral
  fuel;car_wash, 3, neutral
  kindergarten, 1, neutral
  nightclub, -5, share
  prison, 10, perturb or prevent

What does the privacy rating mean?

prevent = this is a place that the person is unlikely to want a corporation to know about: reveals the religion, medical issues, or other sensitive personal situation. These places are frequented by the user, and sharing such habitual visits gives away the sensitive information. We should not let any third parties know about or predict the user visit to this place.

perturb = this is a place that the person is unlikely to share with others, so we can perturb the true location. These places are not easily modeled by mobility models, and are sort of one-time or spontaneous visits. For example: the user visits a police station...this is probably not habitual.

share = places that are often shared by users via social networks...location check-ins, geo-tagged photos. We should monitor and model the user sharing behavior in these categories of places and allow sharing of location.

Next Steps, Giant TODO:

  1. Use these extracted locations to categorize the user location in real-time on a mobile phone (an Android device).
  2. Use the OverrideFramework to "command" the LocationManager to stop sending updates to apps if the POI is "sensitive" or "private"
  3. Have a UI that resembed IPtables, where a user can control through rules to specify which locations are senstiive to him/her.