
Shopping List API implemented using the Django Rest Framework

Primary LanguagePython

Shopping List API

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


This is an API for a shopping list application that allows users to record and share things they want to spend money on and keep track of their shopping lists. This API is developed using the Django REST Framework. I did this as a side project to teach my self Django Rest Framework and i must say, it's the swiss army knife equivalent for API developers.


The goal of this project is to provide a uniform API for both web and mobile frontend shopping list applications.


With this API;

  • You can create a user account - Registration
  • You can login and log out - Authorization and Authentication
  • You can create, view, update, and delete a shopping list in your user account
  • You can create, view, update, and delete an item in your shopping list under your account

API Documentation

Documentation for this API can be found here

Technology stack

Tools used during the development of this API are;

  • Swagger - this is a tool for documenting the API
  • JWT - JWT is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object
  • Django - a python web framework
  • Django REST Framework - a flexible toolkit to build web APIs
  • Postgresql - this is a database server


  • Use Python 3.x.x+
  • Use Django 2.x.x+


"Code without tests is broken as designed", said Jacob Kaplan-Moss. Therefore i shall not give you code that can not be tested or has no tests. So, to run tests, enter the following command

python manage.py test

Running the application

To run this application, clone the repository on your local machine and execute the following command.

    $ cd drf_shopping_list_api
    $ virtualenv virtenv
    $ source virtenv/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ python manage.py makemigrations
    $ python manage.py migrate
    $ nohup python manage.py runserver & disown

Base URL for the API

The base url for this api is https://drf-api-shopping-list.herokuapp.com/ in case you want to try out this API endpoints using curl or postman from your computer with out cloning this repository. For example, on linux commandline issue this curl command to login (you will need to first register to login, please see documentation).

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"foo@bar.com","password":"foobar"}' https://drf-api-shopping-list.herokuapp.com/auth/login/

Endpoints to create a user account and login into the application

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
POST /auth/register True Create an account
POST /auth/login True Login a user
POST /auth/logout False Logout a user
POST /auth/reset-password False Reset a user password
GET /user False Returns details of a logged in user
PUT /user False Updates details of a logged in user

Endpoints to create, update, view and delete a shopping list

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
POST /shoppinglists False Create a shopping list
GET /shoppinglists False View all shopping lists
GET /shoppinglists/search/ False View all shopping lists
GET /shoppinglists/id False View details of a shopping list
PUT /shoppinglists/id False Updates a shopping list with a given id
DELETE /shoppinglists/id False Deletes a shopping list with a given id

Endpoints to create, update, view and delete a shopping list item

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
GET /shoppinglists/id/items False View Items of a given list id
GET /shoppinglists/id/items/<item_id> False View details of a particular item on a given list id
GET /shoppinglists//items/search/ False View details of a particular item on a given list id
POST /shoppinglists/id/items False Add an Item to a shopping list
PUT /shoppinglists/id/items/<item_id> False Update a shopping list item on a given list
DELETE /shoppinglists/id/items/<item_id> False Delete a shopping list item from a given list