Visual Studio Team Services build/release task for running OWASP ZAP automated security tests
- 2
- 0
new option to perform ajaxSpider scanning
#59 opened by pablosguajardo - 0
[error]Task Failed. Error: 404
#58 opened by 3rk1n - 8
run on target rest api
#30 opened by Crazyabout - 2
#55 opened by bayernmunich - 4
ZAP Scan Azure Devops scan fails##[error]Task Failed. Error: {"Success":false,"Message":"400 - \"{\\\"code\\\":\\\"does_not_exist\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Does Not Exist\\\"}\""}
#50 opened by AnanthuVikas - 2
##[error]Task Failed. Error: "Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND https https:80"
#51 opened by thomazbandeira - 6
- 5
Unable to access ZAP API over HTTPS
#18 opened by 604kev - 0
HTML Report data is not HTML encoded
#54 opened by insideou7 - 4
#8 opened by jmbattani - 0
[error]Unhandled: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode
#52 opened by ipradeepkumar - 0
#49 opened by optickycadmin - 3
ZAP Scan Vsts task failing :##[error]Task Failed. Error: {"Success":false,"Message":"Error: socket hang up"}
#48 opened by rsinghmdp - 4
- 12
Unhandled: Unexpected token =
#11 opened by spvrk - 14
##[error]Task Failed. Error: "Invalid Dsn"
#42 opened by NoelJK - 1
Links in readme are broken
#38 opened by inverted360 - 1
How to call OWASP ZAP in new YAML pipeline
#35 opened by bdelaney - 0
I can not give multiple target urls to OWASP ZAP in one task on TFS/Azure Devops.
#37 opened by aynacisevda - 7
Alert Counts not Populating Correctly
#16 opened by RobertMcCoy - 9
- 1
report generation failed
#39 opened by Himalayk - 1
Bug while using Azure DevOps task in pipeline
#40 opened by Himalayk - 4
- 7
Task Failed. Error: {"Success":false,"Message":"400 - \"{\\\"code\\\":\\\"illegal_parameter\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Provided parameter has illegal or unrecognized value\\\"}\""}
#22 opened by yk-kuang - 1
- 0
Thresholds are not working
#27 opened by andydkelly-ig - 1
Reporting Issues
#26 opened by andydkelly-ig - 0
- 1
- 0
Too few "Control Options"
#19 opened by IrmantasVaracinskas - 3
Thresholds are not working
#14 opened by nikhiljainonline - 17
- 1
- 3
Getting an unexpected token error
#10 opened by BalakumarChockalingam - 1
Failed to initiate the active scan. Error: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
#13 opened by daniel2005d - 3
TFS Reporting: Task execution section of task definition for is either missing or not valid
#9 opened by AshleyPoole - 1
Report Generator - Unable to generate HTML Report - "Cannot read property 'riskcode'"
#12 opened by jjburr - 0
Update the HTML report styling.
#6 opened by kasunkv - 0
Failed to initiate the active scan. Error: Cannot read property 'uri' of undefined Error When generating the report
#5 opened by kasunkv - 1
- 1
Create a custom HTML report which includes only the results from the current target URL
#3 opened by kasunkv - 0
Add support for executing spider scan
#2 opened by kasunkv