

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ReadyVetGo Logo

Ready Vet Go is a platform that connects farmers with veterinarians. Farmers can get medical consultations for their animals from veterinarians through the platform.

This project was created by a team of 4 students from the Technical University of Munich as part of the course Software Engineering for Business Applications in the summer semester of 2024.



Frontend: https://readyvetgo.de

Backend: https://api.readyvetgo.de


Frontend: https://dev.readyvetgo.de

Backend: https://api.dev.readyvetgo.de

Getting started

Run docker compose to start the whole project:

docker compose up


  1. Open the frontend in your browser: http://localhost:3000



Go into the frontend folder, then run

npm install
npm run dev


Go into the backend folder, then run

npm install
npm run dev



ReadyVetGo Logo

You can register as a veterinarian or farmer by clicking login in the top right corner.


ReadyVetGo Logo

Farmers must subscribe at http://localhost:3000/subscriptions before they can start a consultation.

ℹ️ You can use this test card number:

Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration Date: any date in the future
CVC: Any number

to test the subscription functionality.


Farmers can start a consultation with a veterinarian by clicking in Consultation -> New Consultation or going to http://localhost:3000/new-chat.

Veterinarians can see open and ongoing consultations at Consultation -> Chat Overview or going to http://localhost:3000/chat-overview were they're able to join a consultation.

All users can see all the chats they have created or have been assigned to. Consultation -> Chat History or http://localhost:3000/chat-history

After a consultation is finished, the veterinarian should close the consultation which will forward the vet to the Medical Report page.

Medical Report

Veterinarians can create a medical report for the consultation by closing the consultation.

Saved records can be viewed in the http://localhost:3000/medical-records page.

The records are AI based prefilled on the basis of the consultation chat.

Blog Posts

Veterinarians can create blog posts to raise awareness about animal health, which also helps improve Ready Vet Go's visibility on search engines.

Vets can view their blog posts and create new ones at http://localhost:3000/cms-editor/overview.

Admin Functionality

Tech-Stack - Libraries Used


  • React: library for building user interfaces based on components
  • Vite: used as our development server and to generate our production build
  • Shacdn/ui: collection of re-usable components that we can customize in our app
    • Tailwind CSS: CSS Framework, dependency of Shacdn/ui
    • Radix UI: open source component library, dependency of Shacdn/ui
  • React-Redux: state management library for React
  • Dnd-Kit: Drag and drop library for React
  • stripe: Online payment library


  • Express: back end web application framework
  • Mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB
  • Mailgun.js: Mailgun library to send emails using our readyvetgo.de domain
  • socket.io: Event-driven library for real-time web applications
  • stripe: Online payment library