
Primary LanguageClojure

Domain model objects


    "name": @username,
    "first_tags": [<tag_obj>,...], //first 5 tags
    "tags": "/users/@username/tags", //hyperlink to all user tags
    "network": "facebook|twitter"
    /* last_preview: <timestamp>,
    //hyperlink to user updates since last_preview except updates>previewed=true
    updates: "/users/@username/updates"
    updates_count: "/users/@username/updates/count"*/


    last_preview: <timestamp>,
    name: @tag_name,
    first_users: [<user_obj>, ...],
    users: "/tags/@tagname/users", //hyperlink to all users of this tag
    //hyperlink to tag updates since last_preview except updates>previewed=true
    updates: "/tags/@tagname/updates"
    updates_count: "/tags/@tagname/updates/count"


    "name": "smart list #1",
    "first_tags": [<tag_obg>, ...],
    "tags": "hyperlink to tags",
    first_users: [<user_obj>, ...],
    users: "/lists/@listname/users", //hyperlink to all users of this tag
    "updates": "hyperlink to updates",
    "updates_count": "hyperlink to updates count",
    "last_preview": 12345678910


    user: @username,
    timestamp: <ts>,
    previewed: false|true,
    text: <string>


Preview updates

show all updates with preview == false and timestamp >= entity.last_preview



resource method description
/users GET get all users for current account - all users that has gtd tags(not followed of listed)
/users/${username}/tags GET list all tag objects assigned to user
/users/${username}/tags PUT revieve list of new tag names and merge them with already assigned to the username


resource method description
/tags GET all user tags
/tags/${tagname}/users GET provide full list of users by tag
/tags/${tagname}/updates GET get all tag updates with viewed == false and timestamp >= last_view
/tags/${tagname}/updates/count GET get count of tag updates with viewed == false and timestamp >= last_view

System will create special lists "twitter" and "facebook" to place into friends from facebook and twitter followed users.

Twitter adapter will recognize all lists as tags e.g. if twitter user has list "smart developers" system will recognise it as a tag "smart developers" and will be accessible by /tags/smart%20developers/users


resource method description
/lists GET provide a list of all smart lists for current account
/lists PUT recieve list of "list" objects, extract tags and users. Tag all extracted users by extracted tags per list.
/lists/${listname}/tags GET list of tags for listname
/lists/${listname}/tags PUT revieve list of tags. Tag all listed users by these tags unless not tagged yet.
/lists/${listname}/users GET list of users for listname
/lists/${listname}/users PUT recieve list of users and tag them by all listname tags unless them untagged yet.


Will sync each time when user requests updates but not ofthen that 5(?of 15 or can be configurable) mins.


System can export all organized data back to twitter. Smart list would be broken down by tags and exported as a twitter lists and then added new list which will contains all users of smart list.

For example: smartlist#1 contains users with tag#1 and tag#2. Export tool will create tag#1 and tag#2 lists and put all tagged by each tag users into related list. Then system creates one more list smartlist#1 and put into all usesrs tagged by both these tags.