
gallery manager, no database setup needed

Primary LanguagePHP

Gallery manager

My goal was to create an application, which allowes the user to upload images to galleries and then refer them into ther website whit a simple tag. Also I wanted to achieve this whitout the use of a database for easy install and because a lot of web hosting providers limit the number of avelable databases.


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Copy the gallery-manager folder to your websites root directory. In the head of the page where you want to use it, make sure to include the latest JQuery libary, gallery-inserter.js to insert the gallery and nodbgallery.css to fromat it:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="gallery-manager/gallery-inserter.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gallery-manager/nodbgallery.css">


After setting up your password in gallery-manager/login.php, you can create galleryes and upload images to them. The manager will create thumb images (default: 300x300 px) and bigger "web size" images (default: 1500px width) for faster loading. The script discards the full size images, to avoid unnecessary storage use. In your website you can palce a div whit nodbgallery class and yourgalleryID as id like so:

<div class="nodbgallery" id="my_gallery_name"></div>

And the manager will automatically insert the images in it.


PHP limits the file upload size to 2mb by default.

Future enhancements

Well, a lot

  • reasonable UI
  • Upload multiple files
  • full size image view
  • support other formats than JPEG
  • etc