
Official Go implementation of the IoTeX protocol

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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IoTeX Logo

Welcome to the official Go implementation of IoTeX protocol! IoTeX is building the next generation of the decentralized network for IoT powered by scalability- and privacy-centric blockchains. Please refer to IoTeX whitepaper for details.

Get started

Minimum requirements

Components Version Description
Golang ≥ 1.11.5 Go programming language
Dep ≥ 0.5.0 Dependency management tool, required only when you update dependencies
Protoc ≥ 3.6.0 Protocol buffers, required only when you rebuild protobuf messages

Get iotex-core

The easiest way to get iotex-core is to use one of release packages which are available for OSX, Linux on the release page. Iotex-core is also distributed via docker image on docker hub.

Build iotex-core from code

Download the code by

mkdir -p ~/go/src/github.com/iotexproject
cd ~/go/src/github.com/iotexproject
git clone git@github.com:iotexproject/iotex-core.git
cd iotex-core

Build the project by


If the dependency needs to be updated, run

dep ensure [--vendor-only]

Run unit tests only by

make test

Build the docker image by

make docker

Run iotex-core

Start (or resume) a standalone server to operate on an blockchain by

make run

Restart the server from a clean state by

make reboot

If "make run" fails due to corrupted or missing state database while block database is in normal condition, e.g., failing to get factory's height from underlying DB, please try to recover state database by

make recover

Then, "make run" again.

Note that if your enviroment is in Linux, you need to add the share libraries into $LD_LIBRARY_PATH by



Users could interact with iotex blockchain by

ioctl [command]

Refer to CLI document for more details.



We are glad to have contributors out of the core team; contributions, including (but not limited to) style/bug fixes, implementation of features, proposals of schemes/algorithms, and thorough documentation, are welcomed. Please refer to our contribution guideline for more information. Development guide documentation is here.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.