
Collection of Selenium tests for fake web store || PageObjectModel || Status - Finished

Primary LanguageJava


Collection of Selenium tests for Fakestore with Page Object Model

App links : Fakestore main page, Fakestore Docs

Fakestore is a fake web store created by @Testelka for the purpose of test automation training. Fakestore imitates a real online shop with travels and provides:

  • products' descriptions on product pages
  • product's categories
  • ability to add products to cart and finish the order
  • ability to add products to wishlist
  • user account creation

Short test framework description

This test framework is being built with Page Object Pattern.

So far, it has 11 Page Objects: ProductPage, CategoryPage, CartPage, BasePage, HeaderPage and FooterPage, CheckoutPage, OrderDetailsPage, OrderReceivedPage, MyOrdersPage, AccountPage

  • the first three ones represent the whole pages with methods and locators
  • BasePage is an abstract class and each PageObject class extends it
  • HeaderPage and FooterPage represent compontents visible on each page in the store
  • the last five were added during creation of CheckoutTests and also represent pages with methods and locators

Test cases covered (so far)

  • check that user can add product to cart from product page
  • check that user can add product to cart from category page
  • check that user can add 10 products to cart
  • check that user can modify amount of product on the product page
  • check that user can add 10 different products to cart
  • check that user can modify amount of product on the cart page
  • check that user can remove product on the cart page
  • check that user can finish order without creating new account
  • check that user can finish order after logging to existing account
  • check that user can finish order with creating new account
  • check that user can view order in "My Account" section
  • check validations for all mandatory fields during checkout


There are few ways to start using this repository:

  1. Clone with Git using command line and this command: git clone https://github.com/kat-kan/fakestore-selenium-tests
  2. Clone with Git using graphical user interface (for example Sourcetree)

Running the tests

You can run tests:

  • using "Run test" option in Intellij Idea IDE ⚠️ in Java 19 we need to add VM options "-Dstdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dstderr.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" in run test config to see correct Polish letters
  • using mvn clean test command in terminal