Reconciliation of manuscript sale catalogues entries

1. Objective

Manuscript sale catalogues propose list of manuscript for sale. A same manuscript can be sold multiple times.

Our objective is to detect such similar entries.

2. Workflow

2.1. Cleaning of the data

Entries of catalogues look like the following:

<item n="80" xml:id="CAT_000146_e80">
   <name type="author">Cherubini (L.),</name>
      <p>l'illustre compositeur</p>
   <desc>L. a s.; 1836, 1 p 1 /2 in8.</desc>
    <measure commodity="currency" unit="FRF" quantity="12">12</measure>

Most of the reconciliation process uses data from the <desc> element of our xml files. We therefore need to correct typos to ease further post-processing, e.g.

  • L. a s. -> L. a. s.
  • in8 -> in-8
  • 1 /2 -> 1/2
  • 1 p -> 1 p.

The clean-xml.py script [available here] tackles this problem:

  • python clean-xml.py -f FILENAME processes one single file
  • python clean-xml.py -d DIRECTORY processes all the files contained in a directory

2.2. Information retrieval in the desc

We need to extract data from the desc and transform

<item n="80" xml:id="CAT_000146_e80">
   <name type="author">Cherubini (L.),</name>
      <p>l'illustre compositeur</p>
   <desc>L. a. s.; 1836, 1 p. in-8.</desc>
    <measure commodity="currency" unit="FRF" quantity="12">12</measure>


"CAT_000156_e14_d1": {
    "desc": "L. a. s.; 1836, 1 p. in-8. 12",
    "price": 12,
    "author": "Cherubini",
    "date": 1836,
    "number_of_pages": 1,
    "format": 8,
    "term": 4,
    "sell_date": "Mars 1893"


<item n="80" xml:id="CAT_000146_e80">
   <name type="author">Cherubini (L.),</name>
      <p>l'illustre compositeur</p>
   <desc><term>L. a. s.</term>;<date>1836</date>,
   <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure> <measure unit="f" type="format" n="8">in-8</measure>.
   <measure commodity="currency" unit="FRF" quantity="12">12</measure></desc>

To carry this task we use the extractor.py [available here]. (xml output not fully implemented).

2.3 Reconciliation of the entries

The reconciliation is carried out by the script reconciliator.py [available here].


git clone https://github.com/katabase/reconciliation.git
cd reconciliation
python3 -m venv my_env
source my_env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Using the tool

Two main scripts are used:

  • the first one, extractor.py, is for the extraction of the information in the xml files
  • the second one, reconciliator.py, is used to reconciliate the entries, i.e. to identify the entries corresponding to the same documents. The user has to provide an author (using the flag -a) to filter the database. The user can also filter by date (using the flag -d).

The data will be stored in json in folders corresponding to the date and the authorname. Three files are created:

  • filtered_db.json is the result of the extraction before the reconciliation of the entries.
  • reconciliated_pairs.json provides a list of all the probable similar documents, ordered by probability
  • reconciliated_documents.json provides the list of the documents that have been reconciliated.
  • final_db.json contains all the entries with the reconciliation done

First example

We want to work on Mme de Sévigné.

  • First, we create the database. In the script directory, python3 extractor.py
  • Then, we use the second script: python3 reconciliator.py -a Sévigné
  • The files will be stored in output/json/Sevigne/

Second example

We want to select the production of Mme de Sévigné between 1680-1690:

  • First, we create the database. In the script directory, python3 extractor.py
  • Then, we use the second script with the -d flag: python3 reconciliator.py -a Sévigné -d 1680-1690
  • The results will be stored in output/json/Sevigne/1680-1690/

Cite this repository

If you use these data, please cite this paper:

  AUTHOR = {Gabay, Simon and Rondeau Du Noyer, Lucie and Gille Levenson, Matthias, and Petkovic, Ljudmila, and Bartz, Alexandre},
  TITLE = {Quantifying the Unknown. How many manuscripts of the marquise de Sévigné still exist?},
SHORTTITLE = {Quantifying the Unknown},
  ADDRESS = {Ottawa, Canada},
  MONTH = July,
  YEAR = {2020},
  BOOKTITLE = {DH2020: carrefours/intersections},
  KEYWORDS = {Machine learning ; Manuscript sales catalogues ; 19th c. France; Mme de Sévigné},


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