
Writes Sidekiq job metrics to InfluxDB

Primary LanguageRuby


Sidekiq middleware that writes job lifecycle events as points to an InfluxDB database.


Add this gem to your application's Gemfile:

bundle add sidekiq-influxdb


Sidekiq middleware description:


InfluxDB client description:


Add included middleware to your application's Sidekiq middleware stack:

# config/initializers/sidekiq.rb

require "sidekiq/influxdb/server_middleware"

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.server_middleware do |chain|
    chain.add Sidekiq::InfluxDB::ServerMiddleware,
                influxdb_client: InfluxDB::Client.new(options), # REQUIRED
                series_name: 'sidekiq_jobs',                    # optional, default shown
                retention_policy: nil,                          # optional, default nil
                start_events: true                              # optional, default true

When you deploy this code, you will start getting the following series in your InfluxDB database:

> select * from sidekiq_jobs
name: sidekiq_jobs
time                class  creation_time      error         event  jid                      queue   total              waited              worked
----                -----  -------------      -----         -----  ---                      -----   -----              ------              ------
1511707465061000000 FooJob 1511707459.0186539               start  51cc82fe75fbeba37b1ff18f default                    6.042410135269165
1511707465061000000 FooJob 1511707459.0186539               finish 51cc82fe75fbeba37b1ff18f default 8.046684265136719  6.042410135269165   2.0042741298675537
1511707467068000000 BarJob 1511707461.019835                start  3891f241ab84d3aba728822e default                    6.049134016036987
1511707467068000000 BarJob 1511707461.019835  NoMethodError error  3891f241ab84d3aba728822e default 8.056788206100464  6.049134016036987   2.0076541900634766

Tags (repetitive, indexed data — for filtering and grouping by):

  • time — Standard InfluxDB timestamp. Precision of the supplied client is respected. Only s, ms, and u precisions are supported.
  • queue — Queue name.
  • class — Job class name.
  • event — What happened to the job at the specified time: start, finish, or error. If you initialize the middleware with start_events: false, there will be no start events.
  • error — If event=error, this tag contains the exception class name.

Values (unique, non-indexed data — for aggregation):

  • jid — Unique job ID.
  • creation_time — Job creation time.

Values calculated by this gem (in seconds):

  • waited — How long the job waited in the queue until Sidekiq got around to starting it.
  • worked — How long it took to perform the job from start to finish or to an exception.
  • total — How much time passed from job creation to finish. How long it took to do the job, in total.

This schema allows querying various job metrics effectively.

For example, how many reports have been generated in the last day:

SELECT COUNT(jid) FROM sidekiq_jobs WHERE class = 'ReportGeneration' AND time > now() - 1d

How many different jobs were executed with errors in the last day:

SELECT COUNT(jid) FROM sidekiq_jobs WHERE event = 'error' AND time > now() - 1d GROUP BY class

Et cetera.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/vassilevsky/sidekiq-influxdb. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Sidekiq::InfluxDB project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

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