Getting Started

Falsch Parker

First, install dependencies:


Create .env.local and copy there the content from .env.local.example with values replaced by the real ones.

Then just run the project:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see Falsch Parker web application.

Sanity Studio

Local development

We can easily work with Sanity Studio locally. To do this you have to install dependencies:

yarn --cwd ./sanity

Then go to sanity folder, create .env.local file and copy there the content from .env.local.example with values replaced by the real ones. To start Sanity Studio locally run:

yarn --cwd ./sanity dev

Open http://localhost:3333 with your browser to see Sanity Studio.


To have access to Studio from anywhere you should deploy it. Just run:

yarn --cwd ./sanity deploy

Now you can open and work with the content from there.