Making JmdictFurigana compatible with SudachiPy
- install wanakana:
pip install wanakana
- run in terminal:
python initial_directory transformed_directory
- initial_directory - directory with initial Jmdictfurigana json files
- transformed_directory - directory where json files with transformed dictionaries should be created
For fast items accessing JmdictFurigana dictionaries should be transformed
{text: surface,
reading: reading,
furigana: [{ruby: part_surface, rt: part_reading}, ...]
str((surface, to_katakana(reading))):
[[part_surface, to_katakana(part_reading)], ...],
For items that have the same (surface, to_katakana(surface_reading)) furigana with the greatest number of parts (maximum length) is chosen.
Readings are transformed to katakana for making them compatible with sudachipy.Morpheme
since morpheme.reading_form()
is always written in katakana.
from json import load
from sudachipy import Dictionary
text = '可笑しい'
tokenizer = Dictionary().create()
morphemes = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
path = 'path/to/transformed/dictionary/file.json'
with open(path, encoding='utf-8-sig') as file:
dictionary = load(file)
for morpheme in morphemes:
key = morpheme.surface(), morpheme.reading_form()
parts = dictionary[str(key)]
[['可', 'オ'], ['笑', 'カ'], ['しい', 'シイ']]