
1. Simple Calculator

This is a simple console-based calculator program written in C++. It performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The user selects an operation, inputs two numbers, and the program outputs the result.

Functions : add(): Adds two numbers. subtract(): Subtracts the second number from the first. multiply(): Multiplies two numbers. divide(): Divides the first number by the second, handling division by zero error.

2. Student Grade Tracker

This program allows users to manage student grades for a class. Users can input student information (name, ID) along with their grades for assignments and exams. The program calculates and displays overall grades, class averages, and performs basic statistical analysis, including displaying the top 3 students in the class.

Features : Input Student Information: Users can enter student names, IDs, and grades for assignments and exams. Calculate Overall Grades: The program calculates the overall grade for each student based on their assignments and exam grades. Class Averages: The program calculates and displays the average grade for the class. Statistical Analysis: The program performs basic statistical analysis such as finding the highest, lowest, and average grades. Class Toppers: The program identifies and displays the top 3 students in the class based on their overall grades.