
Backend for the blog application written in NodeJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backend for a blog application


This repo contains the whole backend for the blog application. Frontend can be found here.


  • Node.js v8
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB


Keep in mind that this application uses MongoDB, which should be installed on your local machine. Run mongod and mongo, then import sample data:

 > mongod
 > mongo
 > mongoimport --db test-database --collection posts --file mongo-import.json

where test-database is a name of the database and posts is a collection name.

To make text search (by title or post's content) available, you have to create text indexes.

  1. Run Mongo shell
  1. Select a proper database
use test-database
  1. Create text index on posts collection
db.posts.createIndex({title: "text", content: "text"})

Run server

  1. Go to the project directory

  2. Install all dependencies

    npm install
  3. Run server

    node server.js

Server should log that it's listening on localhost and specific port (5000 by default).

Run tests

From your project directory run only one command:

npm testx


There is a couple of things, which need to be improved:

  • posts collection: creating, deleting and updating posts
  • users collection: the whole CRUD of users
  • tests for above points